How To Test Your Business Idea

4th August 2022

Launching a product into the market can be a risky step, especially for a new product or service. Product launches are often your first chance to impress the market. Doing it right takes planning.

Launching a product into the market can be a risky step, especially for a new product or service. Product launches are often your first chance to impress the market. Doing it right takes planning.

But first, why do you need to test your idea:
  • To determine product value
  • To improve and tweak product
  • To beat competitors, or
  • To validate a hypothesis and unlock a number of other benefits

Planning your launch and being clear on your offering will help to put you in a good position.

How does an MVP work?

Planning your launch and being clear on your offering will help to put you in a good position.

By now, you should know why you need to test your business idea. Here are some steps you can take to determine the value proposition of your idea.


Make a prototype

Before you create your business plan or rush into employing a management team, you must test the idea by building a prototype and showing it to the people. To see how they receive it


Go for a minimum viable product

Building a Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, is creating the simplest form of your idea which will get it functionable. It’s better if you use an MVP to test the market so any tweaks or improvements can be made before the final product


Get critics

You will never know how good your product is if you don’t show it to people you know who might use it. Or build up an initial customer base and ask them for their honest feedback. Go for critical thinkers or critics


Tweaks and improvements

The next steps are about putting your product before the market. The feedback and perception of the userbase will guide you through how best to improve it. These steps may recur in a cycle allowing you to make periodic value driven adjustments and improvements that are worth it


Test the waters with social media or website

The best place to reach the market faster and more effectively is through social media. Your MVP may be a landing page website, with that live you will want to begin driving traffic to it, to see how receptive your audience is to the concept. A great way to do this is to run some test advertising campaigns across social media. You will need to start by creating organic content to post on your pages. This content can then be boosted by paid advertising to get it in front of your target profiles. In this step, you can monitor how people are interacting with your brand or product and gather useful insights


Build a marketing plan

Whilst you are following the steps above, there’s no doubt that you will be thinking wider marketing plans. Your marketing plan will highlight how you want to convince your potential customers how your product or service is the best and can solve their problems. The plan will include a list of strategies and tactics for pushing your concept. Having gleamed some initial insights in the steps above, you’ll be able to feed them into your plan and start to trial a range of other marketing channels, such as more in-depth content creation, events, sales outreach and more. Select three or four further channels, start testing them and monitor their performance and impact towards achieving your business objectives. It should also contain how much you want to spend on marketing.


Experiment and take note

Do not be afraid to fail. Be ready to try out new methods if one doesn’t work. Every business is different, so what may work for one may not work for another. Adopt an experimentation mindset so you can redefine your business model and goals comfortably when your initial plans don’t work out

Next steps

You may have already completed some of the steps outlined above you might have reached a point where you need to bolt-on a team of technical experts to help you overcome the barriers you might be facing.

If you decide you need someone to help set up your brand in the most marketable and viable way, you can reach out to us at FHK Technology. You don’t need to worry about going through any step alone as we will work with you to validate your idea, conduct initial testing, and deliver a brand you can be proud of.